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Friday, June 3, 2011

Not working

the game hasnt been working and ive been having test and asignments... im trying my best to get on.

Friday, February 18, 2011


yeah havent been playing and posting my computer had an idiotic virus... im back on spiral now so..
hey guys do u like the new token stuff?

Monday, January 31, 2011


hey guys i havent been on spiral knights lately and i have also been neglecting this blog i apologise for that.
il be on more il try. but ive noticed not many of u have been on. psiblade and many others. also many guild memers have left to make their own guild. do you guys have any suggestions on what we can rename the guild after beta i am sick of people goin ha SIX samuraiS!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

these are the logos i made for the guild please vote by commenting

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gate information

As much as i hate to say it the guild has been blamed for some of our members have been messing up certain gates.
as you can see in this picture you would put red in this gate
how do you put minerals in a gate well this picture shows you that you right click a tray and put the minerals by the color of the rings.
personally reds my fav mineral as it makes arena levels wich give 1k worth of crowns in tier 1 and even more in higher tiers.

Monday, January 17, 2011

im back

yeah i wasnt even away my computer did... yeah my internet was on holiday sooo... il be posting alot more i hope but not today

Sunday, January 9, 2011

a new guild name

hey guys when we finnally reach beta i will re make the guild, i will have to call it something involving samurai and six not meaning six samurai.
so here are some suggestions.

legendary six samurai
true six samurai
samurai of six elements
six elemented samurai.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


hehhe the fun of stalking someone that refuse to talk

Monday, January 3, 2011

thats part 1
thats part 2
i changed the music channel tell me if you have any suggestions on what i should put up i tried my best to put up music that suits our guild